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CHARLESGATE Named an Inc. 5000 Company For The Fourth Time

Featured Image (1)We are thrilled to announce that CHARLESGATE Realty has been named one of America’s Fastest-Growing Companies yet again! Transformative service innovation and remarkable growth led to national recognition. This year, CHARLESGATE advanced nearly 900 spots in one year, earning No. 80 in Real Estate, and No. 3465 overall in 2024. 

BOSTON, MA  August 13, 2024 – CHARLESGATE, an integrated real estate firm that empowers thousands of clients throughout New England with a comprehensive array of services across residential and multifamily real estate, proudly announces its ranking on the prestigious Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America for the fourth time. This achievement underscores CHARLESGATE’s continued growth and status-quo breaking services.

Founded in Boston in 2003, CHARLESGATE has solidified its position as a trailblazer in real estate services, offering end-to-end solutions across a suite of services including multifamily consulting, property management & leasing, residential brokerage, investment sales, maintenance & home services, and new development sales & marketing. 

"Making the Inc. 5000 list for the fourth time is a testament to the ongoing dedication and forward-thinking mindset of our team," said Michael DiMella, Managing Partner at CHARLESGATE. "Our commitment to redefining the way real estate services are delivered has not only driven our growth but, more importantly, also empowered our clients to market-beating success in today's hyper-competitive and challenging environment. We couldn’t be prouder."

In addition to impressive revenue growth, CHARLESGATE grew even stronger this year from its partnership with the premier multifamily brand and marketing agency, Authentic Form & Function, intended to reimagine the way new development projects are brought to market across the country with the multifamily industries' first, fully integrated go-to-market platform singularly focused on creating market-making results for developers.

CHARLESGATE's growth remains driven by its mission to help people live better and invest better across the housing market. For investors, developers, buyers, sellers, and residents, CHARLESGATE unlocks incredible living experiences and drives exceptional investment results. 

For more information about CHARLESGATE and how you can grow with them, please visit our contact page, and let's get to work!


CHARLESGATE, headquartered in Boston, is an integrated real estate firm that empowers thousands of clients throughout New England and beyond with a comprehensive array of services across residential and multifamily real estate - development consulting, property management & leasing, residential brokerage, investment sales, home & maintenance services, and new development go-to-market services. With a team of local and nationwide market experts, CHARLESGATE is dedicated to delivering forward-thinking real estate solutions that inspire and empower clients across the country.

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