First Time Home Seller in Boston? Start Here!

Written by Susan Doig | Feb 11, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Are you a first time Boston home seller?

Yes. You are reading this correctly. I have always wondered why the phrase “first time home buyer” is used so rampantly but there’s no common phrase used for someone who has never sold before.

Sure, you have had experience with the real estate process as a buyer, but buying and selling are 2 very different areas of real estate. You could own 2 or more homes but still have no experience with selling.

I had a transaction not too long ago where I represented the seller. The negotiations were very drawn out and I explained to the seller that the buyer was a first time home buyer. Her reply was, “I am a first time home seller.”  This was an investment property, but it was also the first home she ever purchased and had some great memories associated with living in the property.

I learned something new that day!

Here are some home selling tips:

Meet with an experienced agent for an initial home selling consult. Unlike a home buying consult, this should occur in your home. This is more than a listing presentation (although it is extremely important to know the track record and marketing plan of the agent you are meeting with.) Think of it as a pre-listing meeting.

What your agent will provide:

  • Tips for getting your home ready to sell. Tip top shape gets top dollar.
  • Information on local market trends. For instance, in many areas within Boston there are multiple offer situations creating over asking offers.
  • What to expect during the selling phase. Are you able to keep your home show ready? Reasonable notice is expected but the more ready you are to show your place the better.
  • Showing coverage so  you can vacate the premises while it is being shown. Buyers are more comfortable viewing your place if you are not there. Of course your agent will be present.
Want to learn more from Susan about selling your home? Contact her now.