Top 10 Reasons to Buy Real Estate in Boston

Written by Brian Montgomery | Mar 2, 2012 5:00:00 AM

As a Real Estate Agent here in Boston, part of my job is being consistently available for clients. Often times my work happens during evening hours or over the phone from home so my (extremely loving and patient) wife often sees first hand how busy I am as I do my job representing clients and negotiating deals.

If you’ve read our other blog posts about real estate in Boston, then you are well aware that the Boston real estate market is quite active, hence I have been extremely busy helping buyers all year. Recently my wife and I were out to dinner and I informed her that I may have to take a call and remove myself from the table as I was in the middle of negotiating a couple of offers for buyers. This prompted a question from her and a discussion ensued. She asked me what it is that motivates Buyers right now in this market? She actually specifically asked, “If you could give me the top five reasons someone would buy now in Boston what would they be?”

So of course I thought…what a great blog idea and I have even expanded it to the top 10 reasons a buyer buys in Boston – Right Now.  A few of these reasons are comical, and a few are serious, but they are all absolutely “Real Life” reasons to buy that I have heard buyers and experts from Haan Homes say!

For the “living at home with mom and dad” crowd:

#10: Sleeping on your buddy’s couch every weekend so you can go out in the city is getting old.

#9: Mom’s cooking is great and all, but there are so many great dining options in the city.

#8: Cab fares after a “big night” out are significantly cheaper to your city condo than to your parents house in the ‘burbs.

For the “paying rent to ‘the man'” crowd:

#7: Your Landlord keeps the heat at a constant 55 degrees.

#6: Wouldn’t it be nice to paint the walls without prior permission from your landlord? (Though, even if you own, I do recommend prior permission from your spouse or significant other on this one…trust me guys!)

#5: Nice to see that annoying and sometimes “painful” monthly rent check go towards helping you out not someone else.

#4: If something breaks or needs repair you don’t have to call your landlord, wait for him/her to call someone, wait for their “repair guy” to come (if they ever do),  pay the bill, then WAIT again for your landlord to reimburse you.

For the “market stats junkies“:

#3: Interest Rates are as low as they’ve ever been.

#2: You’re paying more in rent than you would be paying for a mortgage.

And finally, for the “I just want to belong” folks:

#1: Home Ownership is the American Dream. And Boston is the best city in America. ’nuff said.


Do you have any reasons to buy or not to buy real estate in Boston right now? Please share in the comments below.