The exhibition "Boston Loves Impressionism" is a collection of impressionism art work that were voted as fan favorites from the Museum of Fine Arts.
"Voters made plain their love for Vincent van Gogh’s masterpiece, Houses at Auvers (1890), which earned the most votes (4,464), edging out Claude Monet, who came in second place with 3,543 votes for his iconic Water Lilies (1907). Third place was taken by Edgar Degas’ Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer (original model 1878–81, cast after 1921)––the only sculpture in the contest. These three top vote getters hold a place of honor at the entrance of the exhibition."
Come see Vincent van Gogh, Monet & more impressionist works of art at the MFA in Boston! The exhibition will be on available until May 26th. Please click here for more information.