Although there may only be a handful of beach days left, there is plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors before it starts to snow.
A great way to spend a nice day in New England is to check out a hiking trail and Massachusetts offers some great trails for those just looking for a day trip in the area.
Here are a few suggestions.
Blue Hills Reservation
Located only minutes from the bustle of downtown Boston, the DCR Blue Hills Reservation stretches over 7,000 acres from Quincy to Dedham, Milton to Randolph, providing a green oasis in an urban environment. Rising above the horizon, Great Blue Hill reaches a height of 635 feet, the highest of the 22 hills in the Blue Hills chain. From the rocky summit visitors can see over the entire metropolitan area. With its scenic views, varied terrain and 125 miles of trails, the Blue Hills Reservation offers year-round enjoyment for the outdoor enthusiast.
East Middlesex Fells Reservation
Something like five miles northerly from Boston lies a great tract of country, all stony hills and table-lands, almost uninhabited, and of wonderful picturesqueness, and wild rugged beauty.- Sylvester Baxter, Boston Herald Supplement, December 6, 1879.
Hazel Brook ConservationWayland
Hazel Brook Conservation Area (48.4 acres) rewards your senses almost immediately by the sound of the rushing waters of Hazel Brook, soon followed by the sight of a beautiful pond.
Don't stop there, for a moderately easy hike uphill through the quiet woods leads you to a network of more than 65 miles of trails through Weston Town Forest and other public land. A figure-eight route through the property takes about one hour, plus any additional time you choose to devote to Weston town trails beyond.
Click here for some more suggestions on trails near the Boston area.